Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A day in the life of...

Hi. How's it going? You might notice by my text that I'm feeling a little blue, and that judging by the typeface, I'm not my normal self. If you know me at all, you know that I'm a STRICT sans serif guy who would never dream of bulk texting with any color other than automatic black. You might have also noticed how informal my salutations were this time, and that might have hinted to you that something might be up given my normal, "hello". I also didn't indent, which could suggest that this is a candid, right-off-the-dome event. To some, that could mean more intimacy and forefrontedness, and to others, it could suggest the coming blog will be more arbitrary than usual. Some of you might be in your head conjuring up some sort of explantation to all of this, and you might even have your opinions about it all. Or, for my less frequent viewers,  you could have no idea how I usually write, have no idea what I usually write about, and, have no idea that I usually write in black Helvetica. You might be very confused and frustrated as you were just looking for a fun, short, blog to read through while you're sipping your coffee or something to stare at in between facebook stalking, and instead, you got this--a long, poorly structured, mega intro to a catastrophic blog which might only suggest what's to come in the rest of this post…
No one could be reading this at all.

Either way, I'll keep trudging on as if everyone is on board.1

Hello, and welcome to Silver Dollar Values fourth or fifth official blog post. Today, we will do something especially exciting- A day in the life of…. This blog will document my entire day, February 21, 2011. Without any exaggeration, this was a very very normal day, and just for fun, I'd like to share it with you, all my reader (there is no "s" on the "reader"…that was intentional).  So, without further ado, here it is:

A Day in the Life of

10:30- Wake up to roommate standing in my closet. 
10:32-Recieve explanation for roommate being in closet. It turns out I scored a sweet new tie rack.
10:40-Show roommate cool bruise and discuss Left 4 Dead over coffee.
11:00- Get shower, shave, apply face moisturizing cream. 
11:24-Lay in bed and listen to Bright Eyes. I begin by listening to an old favorite, "Going for the Gold" (Don't be frightened of turning the page EP), and then moved onto some of his lesser known works. I particularly found great interest in "Kathy with a K" today. Maybe it was the change in speaker system (I usually listen through ear phones or car system, but today I was on computer speakers), or just the mood of the setting, and the tone that comes from laying on my made bed with my clean clothes on that made it stand out to me today more than usual. Either way, I really dug it, a lot, and continued to listen to it about 5 times though out the day.
12:00- Finally get to brush my teeth before leaving
12:15-Answer phone from darling Molly, get in car, and head to Target
12:45- Arrive at Target
12:45-2:00- Get reminded again why I have the best life. As always, forget how trivial and minute my little problems are, and just focus on enjoying the little time I get feeling this way.
2:01- Leave towards U of M
2:15-4:15- Work on a metal project that seems to be going nowhere. 
4:20- My Monday ritual is one of my favorite things. Every Monday, around 4:30, I go to Tiger den, grab whatever mutated scab of corn starch their passing off as a "meal" today, sit down and watch the newest 30 Rock and The Office…all alone…without anyone harassing me or bothering me. It's a little thing that truly makes me very very happy.
5:30- Go to Class, ace a quiz that I had no idea about (that is not normal. The last quiz, I got a 4/10).
6:00- Finish my "Indie Memphis Film Festival" flyer. It turns out that my idea of design is directly referencing, if not ripping off, work by the great Mondrian. 
7:20- Leave class, turn on radio to "Drake and Zeke After Dark". Today, they spoke about the current crisis going on in Egypt. IF THERE IS ONE THING I LOVE, IT'S WHEN RED NECKED RADIO DJS DISCUSS POLITICAL AND SOCIO ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. FOR REAL!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC TO LISTEN TO.
7:45- Arrive at my apartment to hear a Zombie Apocalypse going on in the living room. I rush in through the front door, and to my relief, it was just a video game. I see Timmy and his friend Eddie on the couch, and sit down next to them. Tim makes some jokes…then more…then more. Eddie and I don't. Even after Tim sees that I'm not in the jabbing banter mood, he continues to seemingly verbally abuse me. This was his thought process: (his spoken word will be in red, and his though will be in green.)
"you suck at this game" weird he didn't laugh. I'll try again
"you don't know how to spell loneliest?! Moron" hmmm? Maybe this one will do it
'you're awful" uh, Eddie and Adam aren't responding. Either way, I'll keep trudging on as if everyone is on board.1
In hind sight, it was quite funny. And later, he and I talked, and it was very obvious that he was just joking. No ill thought whatsoever on my side.
8:00- Tried playing online gaming.
8:45- Still tried.
9:45- Still tried.
10:30- Played, and didn't approve. NOT FUN
11:00- Stopped.
11:01- Had deep and meaningful conversation. It lasted 3 hours, and by the end of it, I felt completely fulfilled and satisfied.
2:30-3:50- Online gamed
3:50- Went to sleep, FINALLY. 

That's it. I'm not very writative today, and I 'm sorry. As always, please check into all of my followers and see what they're writing about. Thanks for tuning in!

There's no point to this photo. I just like it. To keep my identity anonymous, I will not disclose which one is me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Very Silver Valentine's Day

Hello, and welcome to... 
Silver Dollar Value's Silver Dollar Valentine's Day post!

On this, the holiest of all artificial and Hallmarktm sponsored holidays, we here at SDV would like to do things a little differently. Too often, bloggers write only about themselves, and we are no exception. It's always me me me, or us us us. It's never YOU YOU YOU--until now. I think it's time for you (the reader) to get a little recognition for your hard work and dedication to this blog, and many more like it. What better day than "the day of love" to show you how I truly feel? So without further ado, this one's for you.

(please play this while you are reading as this will be the soundtrack for tonight's blog)

First, I will address all my official followers:
Dear all my followers. I think that all of you are really really smart for taking interest in this blog. I can't imagine a better blog for you guys to follow because I know how each one of you can find something remarkable to be inspired by in it. Just as all of you, I have been taking personal consideration in your writings as well, and have found myself reading all of yours not only to make sure that mine is WAY better, but because I actually am interested in what you have to say. I've been quite intrigued in all of your blogs. Like, in one, I'm really interested in how she just moved into a new apartment. I like keeping up with her life, and have found myself fascinated  with how she talks about it. In another one of my many official "followers", I read about the relationship between a girl and her boyfriend (who more than likely has a really cool roommate [who looks like he's lost weight]). From reading, I can tell how much she loves him, and how he obviously loves her. I am inspired to be a nicer and more lovable human being by reading this bloggers work (who will remain anonymous among the huge number of followers I have.) To all of you, every single one of you, I wish you happy valentines day!

Now for a few people who have addressed me specifically (they too will remain nameless to avoid embarrassment):
Dear Megan Dwan and Manaf Hussein Baddar. I really think highly of you two. Megan, with your red, blonde, blue, brown, black hair and great skin piercings, I find myself completely captivated by you. I think your sense of humor and lack of consideration for the poor saps who might overhear some of the senseless smut that comes out of your mouth amazing. Your odor is always tolerable, and your generosity regarding alcohol, cologne, and cigarettes is wonderful, and cause enough for me to be your friend. I also think that we have a whole lot in common, which makes for a wonderful friendship. And Manaf. You ignorant, arrogant, and most of all incompetent asshole. I hope only the best for you, and I know you will go on to do great things. You're the tallest person I've ever known (who can't dunk a basketball), and I think that you eat really really well. You're also good at making friends, and that's very admirable. Lately, you too have smelt really good.
You two are good friends, and I'm sorry we don't get to see each other enough.

Next, a few family members:
Dear Nathan and India Silver. I can't begin to express to you how sorry I am that you two have to compete with me. Clearly I am the golden child, making you two the rusted aluminum children. You two, through out the years, have been neglected the love and attention that you two deserve because it all went to me. I am such a good brother, and loving and devoted son, and an incredible person who will surely exceed all the expectations that mom and dad had for you two. When I look at the two of you, I can see through the bad and find that behind those disgusting brown eyes and pasty complexions, you two have an amazing brother who makes up for your lousy personalities. I am a lot better than both of you, and for that I'm sorry.
Specifically to you, Nathan. I remember when dad came out and told me that you had been born, I was so happy. I was always impressed by your pompous capability on the guitar, your ability to grow hair on an 80 year old level,  and how you talk smart so good. I think given the cards you were dealt, you really turned out to be a pretty neat person! 
And India. Greenday is old news, but I think you're unique. Keep it up!

Now, for the anonymous fans who wish to remain unknown:
To whom this may concern,
I know that you secretly love me and my blog, and I want you to know that I secretly love you too. Here is a haiku I wrote for you:
I don't know you're name,
But I think that you are swell.
Please don't stop reading!

Finally, the only person who really deserves any Valentine's recognition:
Dear President Barack Obama. You have served as such a good commander in chief these past few years, and I am really grateful you are in my life. You always know how to pick me up when I'm feeling down, and when addressing the nation, I always feel like you're talking directly to me. I know we were meant to be together for this term, and I really hope we can extend our relationship for four more years come november, 2012. You are the change that I could believe in, and I love you.

And so, that about wraps up this 
Silver Dollar Values Silver Dollar Valentine's Day post!

Now obviously I left some key people out of this specific post. 
Katie Tanner, silky oreo really raunchy yodel finance ox rough never Oklahoma together inclining negate claus lunge under dance indigo nectar glance India Netherlands  trance hence issue silver person octopus shiver time. Imbecile sticky tummy inch laugh love lance othello velvet empty yack ocean umbrella.
Timmy, I really like having you as a roommate, and hope it never ends. I find your cleanliness and consideration for me and my space arousing. 
Mom and Dad, thank you for having me. It really meant a lot to me. Also, thank you for putting up with me through the years. I know that I sometimes was hard to handle, and that my actions sometimes made you want to move two time zones away from me…I'm glad you didn't.
People I hate, i even want you to be happy on Valentine's day. I'll go back to hating you tomorrow. (Jimmy Whidden, owner of Poplar Perkin' coffee shop, is exempt from this.)

And so sums up my fourth post. These last couple weeks have been trying, and I won't lie, there were times where I didn't think I could write another word. Thanks to Silver Dollar Values, I have been freed to express myself through my writings rather than through the usual unhealthy ways. As always, keep up with my many MANY followers, and continue to check in to this one weekly. 

(regarding Molly's absence from this Valentine's day post..)
       "I don't believe in Valentine's day"   
-Molly Anne Pahn; February 13th, 2010

  But just so you all know, no one could ever feel about anyone how I feel about her. She knows the rest.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

SDV: Solving life's little problems one giant rant at a time

Hello, and welcome to SDV's third official post. 

 By now, you've more than likely realized what an insightful and monumentally engaging blog this is. You've probably noticed how my command of the english language and ability to express feeling are not only astounding, but that my lexicon is comparable to that of someone much older and wiser than myself. You're certainly conscious of my colorful vocabulary, and by now you definitely recognize that with my extensive phraseology, I am able to profess my inner most conceptions, consequently, gerrymandering even the most resilient of critics. You've also gathered that I figured out where the thesaurus is on my Mac (hereafter, Bernie Mac). All this and more are why you keep coming back, and for that, you all merit copious quantum of gratitude. Give yourself a meathook.  

Moving on to more pressing affairs, tonight I'd like to discuss some of my views on some current issues going on in the world. In the past, I've focused on matters that only affect my world, or at most, my closest constituents. But the truth of the matter is that there plenty of things, both good and bad, that deserve a bit of recognition. Here are all of them:

  1. Weather- In Memphis, there are two things you can absolutely count on without fail. One, the people in ANY drive-thru will be rude to you. (McDonald's, Starbucks, Walgreens, parking garages, etc.) And two, the weather will be the exact opposite of what you want. The latter is something that I have been thinking about a lot lately. How/why can it be in the 70s on the weekend, and then 29 degrees today? How can it snow last Thursday, then be reasonably hot the next day? We know it can't be Al Gore's fictitious "global warming". What did we do to piss god off???!!! Well, after much debate and careful deliberation, I have come up with a solution that will bring an end to this cursed weather dilemma-- Boycott Weather. That's right. Just as we've done with everything in the past ranging from BP oil to KFC, we should refuse Weather our business. For instance, have you ever noticed how whenever it's cold outside, stores all decide to sell jackets and coats? Coincidence huh? How about hot chocolate. When it's cold, isn't it weird how that's when hot chocolate, apple cider, and other hot beverages are sold more frequently? This is no random happening, people. I believe that all these different companies are in business with Weather, and they're profiting off of our misery. Our only means of reducing our dependence on foreign climate changes is to deny it our business. I'm proposing that we no longer bow to the cooperate forecast, and that once and for all we stop fueling this fire. From this point on, if it's cold, wear shorts…if it's hot, dress to ski. Lemonade is now the only drink on a snowy night, and I want chains on every tire near a hot beachy coast. If we can prove that Weather can no longer bully us into buying it's sponsors products, then we will again have control.  "People should not be afraid of their Weather. Weather should be afraid of its people." -Hugo Weaving 
  2. Parking services at University of Memphis- Choice words (that I will not use in this blog) can only express my feeling towards you. You are the bane of my existence, and I know that without you, all of Earths conflicts would end. You are a plague on humanity, and your little slap-in-the-face receipts litter my existence the same way that you will clutter hell when you inevitably are murdered you worthless pathetic taddle-tails. 
  3. Money- Why are you so necessary? Why can't I live without you? Why do I need so much of you, but have none of you? Money is not your friend. With friends, if you have a few really good ones, you don't need many others. The quantitative value of a friend is irrelevant, rather, the quality is what's important. This is not the case with money. It doesn't matter ow shiny or flawless your penny is, they're all worth the same minuscule amount. I believe that's immoral. Like friends, I believe if you take really good care of your money and are sure not to hurt or upset it, then you should have better fortune with it. Unfortunately, that is not how it is, and that sucks. 
  4. Fat- (Those of you who know me know that I'm the pinnacle of fitness. You know that my physique is the apex of beauty, and my exemplary health is something that is awed at by all. For those of you who haven't had the fortuity to gaze at my downright perfect body will just have to take my word for it.)  I have had more and more run ins with my least favorite annoyance-- bad smelling, loud, obnoxiously obese people. OBVIOUSLY I'm not talking about all overweight people. Only the people who are, don't wear deodorant, breath loud, and just constantly smell of fecal matter. Whether it be those who talk about how guys are always hitting on them, or the ones who (I'm so positive) lie about their diet, work out routine, or other lifestyle choices. I know it's controversial for me to have such problem with huge people, but it's something that has gone through my mind for some time now. Most of it is a result of a fear that I might become one of these god forsaken souls. I might be hefty, but I shower daily. I wear deodorant!!!! I don't snack ("noche" for my roommate) constantly. I'm not always sweaty and out of breathe!! I don't ride handicap carts because I don't like to walk at wal*mart. I don't complain about not getting enough mocha in my mochachino!!!! I don't have permanent stains from rogue bits of food on all my shirts. I don't waddle everywhere I go. I don't smell of rancid tomato sauce and diaper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fat people- Get your stuff together. You're making me look bad!

I got a lot more emotional than I thought I would with that last one, so I'll end it there. I think I said basically everything I needed to say about those issues, and please feel free to start a discussion with me about anything. Please read all my followers blogs, and stay tuned for more posts from me. 

Wait, I wanted to leave you with an email I received today. I'm censoring it of any terms and phrases that would give away my relationship with them as I wish to keep them anonymous. Enjoy.

"take a deep breathe, blow it out, and deal with it...then relax.
life's experiences suck, but something comes along every once in a while that's good.
hell, i don't know how long it takes for something good to happen.  you're asking the wrong ***.
can't you just be thankful that you have your health, food and a roof over your head?  sure i can.
health insurance is ridiculous, and the republicans suck; food is either too expensive or it tastes like shit. and the roof leaks.
you're so damn negative. as in the glass is always half empty.
its not glass, its a paper cup cause its cheaper. and its not half empty but the fizz is out of it.
you can't be happy till something is taken away from you.  what if you were never born.  would that be better?  remember "it's a wonderful life" with jimmy stewart?  he finally was forced to realize his life wasn't so bad.  and the little angel did earn her wings after all.  and dad got a lump in his throat yet again like every year.
so go ahead, ***; tell ms. weaver that her job must be tough because everyone is trying to get in state tuition even if they don't deserve it. let her know you appreciate her approach in handling this.  compliment her on that perfume she wears, and that it reminds you of your grandma. 
if she gives you a hard time, slash her tires." 