No one could be reading this at all.
Either way, I'll keep trudging on as if everyone is on board.1
Hello, and welcome to Silver Dollar Values fourth or fifth official blog post. Today, we will do something especially exciting- A day in the life of…. This blog will document my entire day, February 21, 2011. Without any exaggeration, this was a very very normal day, and just for fun, I'd like to share it with you, all my reader (there is no "s" on the "reader"…that was intentional). So, without further ado, here it is:
A Day in the Life of
10:30- Wake up to roommate standing in my closet.
10:32-Recieve explanation for roommate being in closet. It turns out I scored a sweet new tie rack.
10:40-Show roommate cool bruise and discuss Left 4 Dead over coffee.
11:00- Get shower, shave, apply face moisturizing cream.
11:24-Lay in bed and listen to Bright Eyes. I begin by listening to an old favorite, "Going for the Gold" (Don't be frightened of turning the page EP), and then moved onto some of his lesser known works. I particularly found great interest in "Kathy with a K" today. Maybe it was the change in speaker system (I usually listen through ear phones or car system, but today I was on computer speakers), or just the mood of the setting, and the tone that comes from laying on my made bed with my clean clothes on that made it stand out to me today more than usual. Either way, I really dug it, a lot, and continued to listen to it about 5 times though out the day.
12:00- Finally get to brush my teeth before leaving
12:15-Answer phone from darling Molly, get in car, and head to Target
12:45- Arrive at Target
12:45-2:00- Get reminded again why I have the best life. As always, forget how trivial and minute my little problems are, and just focus on enjoying the little time I get feeling this way.
2:01- Leave towards U of M
2:15-4:15- Work on a metal project that seems to be going nowhere.
4:20- My Monday ritual is one of my favorite things. Every Monday, around 4:30, I go to Tiger den, grab whatever mutated scab of corn starch their passing off as a "meal" today, sit down and watch the newest 30 Rock and The Office…all alone…without anyone harassing me or bothering me. It's a little thing that truly makes me very very happy.
5:30- Go to Class, ace a quiz that I had no idea about (that is not normal. The last quiz, I got a 4/10).
6:00- Finish my "Indie Memphis Film Festival" flyer. It turns out that my idea of design is directly referencing, if not ripping off, work by the great Mondrian.
7:20- Leave class, turn on radio to "Drake and Zeke After Dark". Today, they spoke about the current crisis going on in Egypt. IF THERE IS ONE THING I LOVE, IT'S WHEN RED NECKED RADIO DJS DISCUSS POLITICAL AND SOCIO ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. FOR REAL!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC TO LISTEN TO.
7:45- Arrive at my apartment to hear a Zombie Apocalypse going on in the living room. I rush in through the front door, and to my relief, it was just a video game. I see Timmy and his friend Eddie on the couch, and sit down next to them. Tim makes some jokes…then more…then more. Eddie and I don't. Even after Tim sees that I'm not in the jabbing banter mood, he continues to seemingly verbally abuse me. This was his thought process: (his spoken word will be in red, and his though will be in green.)
"you suck at this game" weird he didn't laugh. I'll try again
"you don't know how to spell loneliest?! Moron" hmmm? Maybe this one will do it
'you're awful" uh, Eddie and Adam aren't responding. Either way, I'll keep trudging on as if everyone is on board.1
In hind sight, it was quite funny. And later, he and I talked, and it was very obvious that he was just joking. No ill thought whatsoever on my side.
8:00- Tried playing online gaming.
8:45- Still tried.
9:45- Still tried.
10:30- Played, and didn't approve. NOT FUN
11:00- Stopped.
11:01- Had deep and meaningful conversation. It lasted 3 hours, and by the end of it, I felt completely fulfilled and satisfied.
2:30-3:50- Online gamed
3:50- Went to sleep, FINALLY.
That's it. I'm not very writative today, and I 'm sorry. As always, please check into all of my followers and see what they're writing about. Thanks for tuning in!