Hello. For many months I have considered posting on a web blog. I have read through some of my friends, and really see the significance in (1)writing down the routines of a college student, (2)the trials of living in this day and age, and in some cases, (3)just the pleasures that come with keeping an online journal. Of all the peoples blogs I've read though out the years (10 at most), there haven't been any that I didn't find interesting. For the most part, in fact, I liked them all, and have read each new post posted. In one of them, I appreciated the sincerity of putting their most private and intimate thoughts out there for everyone to read. I admire the honesty, and felt like I was actually getting to know them more by reading, what can only be described as, their journal. In others, there might be a certain humor and tone that the individual writes with that just plain entertains me. There words are clever and well put, and I read it mostly for recreational purposes. And some fell somewhere in between. They were just the right amount of candor with just the right amount of humor. And those I loved the most. 'about me

blog intentions
frequently asked questions (*that have never been asked)
- SDV. Your "about you" section is short and cryptic. How are we supposed to know who you are? There is no way to sum up myself in a few sentences. My posts (from here on out) will tell more about me than sentences that stat with "I" ever could.
- SDV. I don't understand your name. What does it mean? Silver Dollar Values is whatever you take from it. The title's ambiguity is intended to be universal. For me, it's basically a catchy way of implying that a silver dollar is worth more than money, and that it's value should be appraised for it's integrity, not it's legal tenderness.
- Do you think anyone cares about what you have to say? How conceded must you be to waste your time and ours with your stupid little blogs? No one's saying you have to read it. If you do, GREAT, and if you don't, that's ok too. I'm an obsessive rambler, I felt like this might be a better outlet than facebook.
- What do you think happens after you die? If you're good, you get to spend eternity with your friends, family, and loved ones. And if you're bad, you have to listen to John Denver while stripping wallpaper…
Please stay tuned for more Postings!
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