Wednesday, January 19, 2011

n my opinion, it is too easy for a individual to be really really crumby. Unfortunately, it's very simple to be a terrible, no good, very bad person. It's easier to be mean than nice, and that sucks. I am fed up with this trend, so, as a public service, I will be administering a rudeness test. Please follow instructions, as they will guide you through the quiz.

Rudeness Test
  1. You're driving home from school. It is rush hour, and traffic is backed up for miles. you've been sitting in a jam for what seems like days listening to the only cd you have in your car, and you notice a car with its blinkers on, signaling that they want to get in your lane. Do you--
                             b.let in
                             c.give finger and blare music
If you answered anything other than b, you've failed. Do not move on to next question.You are rude.If you did answer b, please move onto question 2.

  2. You're at a restaurant. After waiting 15 minutes for a seat, then another 30 minutes for your meal, it's time to pay. The food was adequate, but you really couldn't even enjoy it because of the volume of people in the restaurant. Do you--
                             a.don't tip
                             c.steal sugar packets
If you answered anything other than b, you've failed. Do not move on to next question.You are rude.If you did answer b, please move onto question 3.
  3. You're in class. Because of the overpopulated school you attend, you are forced to sit really close to other people. Knowing this, first thing in the morning do you--
                             a.roll out of bed, waddle to class
                             b.bathe, apply deodorant, brush teeth
                             c.wake your roommate/ sing in shower

If you answered anything other than b, you've failed. You are rude. If you did answer b, then you passed! You're not rude!!

Really, I think that less and less people are comfortable being nice and being polite because they're confusing those qualities with weakness. Beginning in high school, "nice boys and girls" start becoming outcasts and throw aways. The bad boy becomes popular, and as a result, more and more guys throw away their morals to become more socially acceptable. Young girls follow similarly by throwing away their lisa frank back packs in for camel lights. Why? Because anti authority and disregard for "the man" is dangerous and cool, and the opposite is safe and uncool, thus, being nice must be too safe and too uncool. 
This treatment doesn't stop in high school. Once in the work force, you'll find that the arrogant jerk is more likely to get promoted than the mild tempered steady worker. The way the world works suggests that bad attention is better than no attention at all, so, the odds of a neglected, hard working employee getting recognized is less plausible than mediocre, ham employee. Sickening!

Nice and polite people of the world. Don't stop being nice!!!! I recognize it. I gratefully wave when you let me in to your lane. I appreciate your tip to me even though nothing was good except for my exceptional service. I notice you're good breath and hygiene, and will gladly sit next to you in class. Your kindness and interest in your fellow man has not gone unnoticed. Please continue being nice, and I, along with plenty of other people, will continue being nice to you in return.

(nice video)

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